Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Mustard Seed of Faith

My Dear Caleb,

I can't wait to see you on Sunday. I pray that you are doing well. I pray for your peace, for friends who listen and who love you. I pray for important people in your life, like teachers and helpers who care. I pray for the day that you and I will have a long conversation over a cup of tea. We will laugh and talk about everything under the sun, and then some.

This day is coming, Caleb. I have the mustard seed of faith in my heart and I'm using it to move your mountains. Your tongue will be loosed. Your mind will be full of organized creativity and your thoughts will be fully expressed and understood.

Confusion and anxiety will flee.

Obsession will blast into a million pieces of nothing.

It's not positive thinking or new age feathers in the wind.

It's God's all powerful Word.

For now, I hold your hand. I look into your beautiful blue eyes. I touch your face with tender knowing.

I thank our loving God for His care and for the privilege of hearing you say, "Hi, Mom."

I thank God for your innocence.

I thank God for you.

