Sunday, June 8, 2008

Is It Possible?

Is it possible to be the most devastated and the most deliriously happy person on the planet at the same time? Many people regularly alternate super highs and dark, dark, lows. These people are called bi-polar. But I'm talking about experiencing these very real emotions simultaneously.

This phenomenon has occurred in my brain before, and happens just about every time I see Caleb actually, so today won't be the first or last time. But today I feel a need to express this while it's fresh and with me still. I think it may be accurate to equate what happens to the way one feels when utterly and completely lovestruck.

What amazing fortune. What a tragic nightmare.

Caleb's smile and a knowing look in his eyes does this to me.

Today we played Monopoly. We have our own version. There are no property deals or trips in and out of jail. What you roll is what you get, in dollars, counted one by one in your hand. With each turn you get a house or a hotel—-whichever you choose. You may place the house or hotel wherever you want on the board.

There are two players only—-the horse and the iron.

Caleb wins.

He smiles.

It's a dream come true.

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